Monday, October 7, 2013

Favorite Vocal Point song?

So in responding to a recent question on this blog (What is Vocal Point's favorite song to sing?), I asked myself which Vocal Point song is my favorite to watch/listen to? After some pondering and youtube-ing, I came to the conclusion that their arrangement of Nearer My God to Thee has to be one of the most beautiful hymn arrangements ever, and is my favorite Vocal Point song. And now, the question goes out to all of you! What is your favorite Vocal Point song, and why?

P.S.- In case you don't want to read through my past replies to past comments, the answer to "What is Vocal Point's favorite song to sing?" in Vocal Point's own words, is the "12 Days of Christmas". They have been performing that song, year-round, for over a decade, and they won't be stopping anytime soon.

Here is possibly the best photo ever taken during12 Days of Christmas" :)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Our date tonight, and a (widely) unknown VP story

So Jake and I have been trying to switch to a more plant-based, whole food diet and let me tell you, it is not the easiest thing we have ever done. I've had to learn some new recipes (some of which are delicious and quickly becoming new favorites) and we have found that we just feel better when we eat right. We used to get tired around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, and now we don't get tired till 8 or 9pm! It's great! We've also been sleeping better and increasing our exercise levels (we love the aerobics classes at BYU). One thing we have found however, is that there are not a lot of restaurants that cater to that specific diet- or so we thought. That's when we found La Jolla Groves. If you have never been, I strongly recommend it! Their food is amazing- artfully crafted, and very health conscious. That is where we'll be going tonight for our Friday night date and we are stoked! Last time we ate there Jake got a blackened salmon salad that was outta sight, and I got some pasta dish that was borderline celestial. Also, I love the interior decorating of the place (yes, I know that has nothing to do with how the food tastes). There are lemon trees everywhere and a fresh yellow rose on each table. Classy. And now, for the information you've all been waiting for: its not expensive! Cheaper than Olive Garden and the food is way better. Olive Garden's food is delicious, but when we eat there, by the time we leave I always feel like I weigh 10lbs more than when I went in. La Jolla Groves' food is light and makes you feel like you can be proud of your body. Love it!

Ok, now for a Vocal Point story that you probably have never heard. While in the beautiful Nauvoo, Vocal Point had the opportunity to perform nightly at the "Sunset on the Mississippi" show right after the Young Ambassadors. One night, Robert (the base) decided he wanted to go early and watch the Young Ambassador's show before VP had to perform. So Jake was tasked with bringing Robert's costumes for the show, so that Robert could watch the YAs. Now that was no problem. Jake grabbed Robert's clothes for the show, and everyone headed out to the car to go to the show, when Jake realized he had left his own costumes back in the apartment. However, when they went back to get them, they discovered, to their time-pressed horror, that he had accidentally locked the keys in the apartment! Fortunately for everyone, my husband is very agile and was able to open a window from the outside and climb back in. The day was saved, and they all made it to the show just in time! Below is a picture that I am very grateful was taken, simply for my own amusement, of Jake breaking in to the apartment. Below that, is a pointless, but tender picture of the Vocal Point bromance that we all know happens on tour. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fun free date night tonight!

Its Wednesday and I am feelin' it! Hump day is weighing especially heavily on me today and I feel like it should be Friday already. Where did all of this homework come from? And why on earth to I have a test today AND tomorrow?! Injustice I tell you, that's what it is. So if you are feeling equally bogged down this particular Wednesday and you just need to get out tonight, check this out! Acoustic Explosion will be happening tonight at 7pm, at The Wall, and my husband Jake will be their closing act! He will be performing a cover or two, which he has never done before since he usually only performs his own songs. He will be singing some of his own songs too, and if you've never heard him sing separate from Vocal Point then you are in for a treat! Bring a friend/date and come enjoy the great music, cool atmosphere, and if you so desire, the delicious Italian sodas! Acoustic Explosion is always free (although the yummy food/drinks offered at the bar are not). I will be there of course, and would love to meet any of you who read the blog and get your feedback/ideas on what else you would like to see on the blog, so come find me! See you tonight!

Clearly Jake's guitar/singing skills won me over a long time ago! :)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

BPJ and the beautiful Sam

I'd like to introduce you all to John Turner, and his beautiful new bride Samantha Turner. John, or as we affectionately refer to him, "BPJ" (BPJ stands for "Blue Pants John" because he often wears these awesome bright blue pants), does all the sound for Vocal Point shows. That means he runs sound checks, makes sure everyone's mics are working, adjusts their in-ear monitors (more about those later!), and makes sure Adam is all geared up to make some beat-boxing history. It's a lot of work, and he does an incredible job, so if you ever see BPJ walking around before/after a VP show, be sure to give him a high five and tell him great job. 

This picture was taken at John and Sam's recent wedding (Woohoo!), which was absolutely beautiful, but not nearly as beautiful as Sam was! John looks just smashing in this fabulous suit, and was wearing some impressive cuff links, which always adds so much class to any good suit. Let's admit it, the kid's got style! We are so happy to "officially" welcome Sam into the VP family, and can't wait to get to know her better! 

 In this picture from left to right: Adam, Suzanne, Scott, John, Sam, myself, and Jake