Thursday, November 21, 2013

Attitude of Gratitude

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, which prompts me to write this post. There have been so many times over the course of our marriage (1 yr and 6 months!) where we have struggled through some trial or another, and said to each other "How are we going to make it through this?" Whether it be family struggles, financial difficulties, or the ever present list of assignments to be done, we have often felt overwhelmed. Yet God in His mercy has come to our rescue each and every time. I just wanted to quickly bear my testimony to you that God truly does answer prayers. For some reason, in my life He likes to wait until the last second, when I have been agonizing over something for weeks before He swoops in and saves the day, but He always does save the day. Our Heavenly Father works on His time table, and His plans for us are so much better than our own! So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I wanted to publicly share my gratitude for this gospel, and for my Savior and Heavenly Father who are at the head of it. If you are going through a rough patch, please let Him help you. I promise, in the end, that is the best way. I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving, and safe travels wherever you may be!