Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Vocal Point Family

I often get asked questions about Vocal Point- How often to they perform? Where do they travel? Do they arrange all of their own music?- and so I thought I would start a blog for anyone who loves Vocal Point like I do, and wants an inside look. Please feel free to ask me any questions you have (yes, 8 of the members of Vocal Point are unmarried, and 6 are single- and looking!). I am happy to tell you what I know. So, without further ado, I hereby launch this blog!

It sounds funny to say, but Vocal Point really is like a second family. Whenever they leave town, Jake comes home full of stories of late night heart-to-hearts, jam sessions, and delicious food. Isn't that what family is all about? I often get asked how often they go out of town. The answer? Often! There have times where they have been out of town literally every single weekend for almost two months. Those times are much more bearable for us wives/girlfriends than when they go to Nauvoo for two weeks, or Hawaii for a week.

That is another part of the Vocal Point family: the wives. Well, for now I am the only Vocal Point wife, but I like to think that all of us women who are somehow attached to members of Vocal Point, are part of the family too. When they go out of town we get together for girls' nights and do things to try to distract us from the fact that our better halves are missing. At a recent girls' night we watched a fantastic movie that I had never seen before- Runaway Jury. If you like law, suspense, or John Cusack, then this is the movie for you! Before watching this movie, the jury was out (pun intended) on whether or not I liked John Cusack,  since my only exposure to him was his performance in the movie Serendipity, I didn't have much to go on. But now, I think he's a great actor, and I highly recommend this movie! I apologize for the little tangent, but really, it's great.

Yesterday Vocal Point performed for the second time this year (their first performance was up in Vernal on Friday) at the BYU Parent's Weekend lunch. They did fantastic! Also, Trevor, Cody, and Bryce did a great job of picking out this year's costumes- they look dashingly handsome. The new blue took a little getting used to, but it's growing on me. Having heard some of the new guys talking, I know there was some nervousness floating around, but you wouldn't have guessed it from how they performed. The choreography looked great, and the new guys have learned solos, choreo, and songs impressively fast! Well, that concludes this post. Farewell all my fellow Vocal Point fans, until next time!


  1. Hi,
    This is your husband! I think this is awesome and I'm so happy you're doing this. It's only right that the most wonderful wife of all Vocal-Point-dom should have the most wonderful blog! You're the best and I love you so very much!
    Jake Tengelsen

  2. This is awesome! I hope you keep it up. Vocal point is the best!


  3. How do the guys all manage their rigorous academic demands with their grueling travel schedule? Do they get some sort of special dispensation from the University or something?

    1. Kerry-
      Great questions! It is definitely an insane amount of work for these guys. Almost all of them have part-time jobs working sometimes up to 20 hours a week, while being full-time students, add to that church callings and an attempt at a social life, and you've got some very busy guys! Jake will sometimes take homework with him on trips, but I can tell you, very little homework gets done on tour! Mostly, they just have to stay up late, work really hard, and get really good at multi-tasking (Jake often does homework while at work as a TA when there aren't any students for him to help). Unfortunately, they do not get any sort of compensation from the university. You may not know this, but Vocal Point is in fact worth only one measly credit. That's ten hours of class/rehearsal time, plus weekend rehearsals and concerts, for just one credit. When I was on the ballroom team, I had dance classes that were worth 3 or even 4 credits! Rumor has it though, that possibly two members of Vocal Point might receive a partial scholarship this year, but that's still up in the air. Thanks for your question!

  4. What is Vocal Point's favorite song that they sing? I've always wanted to see if they like a song that I like.

    1. Upon asking Vocal Point their favorite song, they responded that their song history says it all: they have been singing "12 Days of Christmas" for over a decade. I have been to dozens of concerts, and countless rehearsals, and I still love it! So there you have it! Which song do you like best?

    2. I love that song too!! I also like Game Day! Thanks!

  5. Sadie, I love this! I had no idea you were a writer, in addition to all your other amazing talents. I look forward to reading more posts. One of these days we'll get to a concert to hear Jake sing for real, even though we loved the informal serenade in our family room.

    1. Thank you! I am really enjoying this so far! I can't wait to see where this blog goes :) We would love to see you at a concert some time! Thanks for reading!

  6. Hi Sadie! Love your blog! I'm a huge fan of anything and everything VP :) Just curious-- when does Vocal Point usually perform around campus? I have yet to have the fortune of being on campus when they sing. :'(
    Thanks so much!

  7. Clarica, Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy the blog- let me know if there is ever anything you want to hear about and I can put something up :) Vocal Point has class MWF from 2-4, and when they perform on campus just spontaneously, you can find them at 3 o'clock either in Brigham Square, or in between the library and the JFSB. As far as official concerts go, I am going to try to update the blog whenever they have a show coming up.

    1. Awesome! Thank you so much, Sadie! Good luck with the end of the semester.
